Diversify Your Investment With Rental Property Financing

Rental property financing is a way for investors to diversify their income-producing real estate portfolio. It also provides an opportunity to benefit from tax benefits that other investments do not.


But getting a mortgage for an investment property can be challenging due to high down p후순위아파트담보대출 ayments, poor credit and lender blocks. Fortunately, there are other ways to finance multiple rental properties!

Hard Money Loans

A hard money loan is a short-term loan that uses real estate as collateral. They are typically granted by private lenders rather than banks and are a popular option for investors who need to close a deal quickly. While they come with a number of upsides, including faster approval and funding, they also have a number of risks that investors should consider carefully before making the decision to use this type of financing.

One of the biggest advantages of hard money loans is that they are much easier to qualify for than traditional bank financing. While conventional lenders look at a number of factors, including creditworthiness and income, hard money lenders tend to focus on the property itself and its potential after-repair value (ARV).

This makes them a good choice for investors who need to close a deal within a short time frame. In addition, hard money lenders are less likely to have a long list of requirements that seem arbitrary and can make borrowers uncomfortable. A quick online search will reveal several local hard money lenders. Some of them, such as Kiavi, Lima One Capital and Patch of Land, specialize in rental property investments.


후순위아파트담보대출 Once you have dipped your toe into real estate investment by purchasing your first property, you may feel ready to dive in headfirst and start expanding your rental property portfolio. One way to do this is by borrowing against the equity in a property you already own. Home equity is determined by the fair market value of a property minus the balance on any mortgages or liens against it.

Another creative option for financing a rental property is to partner with someone who has money to put into the investment. This provides flexibility, more financial backing and the expertise of someone else in the real estate industry. However, it can also come with a greater level of risk and a loss of control over the loan process and ownership of the property.

If you have a solid track record in the investment business, private funds from friends and family can be a great source of rental property financing. They typically provide less hoops to jump through than conventional loans, but they do have a higher interest rate and can carry more debt-to-income ratio requirements.


If you’re ready to make the leap into property investment but don’t have enough cash on hand or cannot qualify for a loan, seller second-lien financing is an option. It works by allowing the borrower to use their home equity, which is the value of your home less any existing mortgage or lien on the property.

This option is ideal for individuals who need to preserve their personal cash and/or who are looking to maximize their leverage position over time with a maximum of a 60% loan-to-value on the original purchase price at origination (LTV).

It is important to remember that seller second-lien financing is not a long-term investment solution and should be used as a bridge financing source until you’re able to qualify for your primary financing. If you use it as a long-term strategy, it is best to work out an agreement with the seller that outlines the terms of this arrangement.

Conventional Loans

Whether you’re investing in your first rental property or buying your twelfth, you will need financing. Conventional mortgages are the most common and offer some of the lowest interest rates of any loan type. They usually require a professional appraisal to determine the property value and safeguard that you aren’t paying too much for your investment.

Lenders treat conventional loans for rental properties differently than those for owner-occupied homes, though. Because they aren’t guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they carry more risk. Investors must have a perfect credit score and a solid income history to qualify for these types of loans. And future rental income doesn’t count toward your debt-to-income ratio, so you must have enough cash flow to cover the principal, interest, taxes and insurance (PITIA) payments.

Borrowers also need to stay within conforming loan limits, which vary by location. The federal Housing Finance Agency sets them each year, so you can easily check the current limit in your area. Loans that exceed these limits are considered non-conforming and require a jumbo loan.

FHA Loans

FHA loans are backed by the federal government and often have competitive interest rates. Those rates, however, depend on several factors, including your credit score, the amount you plan to borrow, the down payment amount and the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. Your lender will also require verifiable income information, which may include pay stubs, W-2s, bank statements and federal tax returns.

If you qualify, FHA mortgages offer lower down payments than conventional ones. If you have a credit score of 580 or higher, you can make a down payment as low as 3.5% of the home’s purchase price. If you have a lower credit score, you can still qualify for an FHA loan, but will likely need to make a larger down payment.

FHA mortgages also have a growing equity mortgage (GEM) option that lets you add energy-saving improvements to your mortgage balance. This is ideal if you want to save money and increase your property’s value over time. You’ll need to pay an upfront premium at closing or fold it into your monthly mortgage payment. You’ll then continue paying annual mortgage insurance payments, which vary from 0.15% to 0.075% of the base loan amount, depending on your term, loan-to-value (LTV) and down payment.