What Is Tooth Restoration?

Tooth restoration is an important part of your dental care. It helps you maintain strong teeth that are vital to your smile’s function and health.


Direct restorations are made inside the mouth, either in a dental laboratory or with specialised equipment at a practice. They require a greater time commitment but come with longer effectiveness.

Direct Restoration

The term direct restoration refers to tooth repair procedures that don’t require a dental lab to fabricate the finished product. This means that the dentist can complete the entire process, including sculpting and shaping the restoration within your mouth during a single dental appointment. The most common type of direct restoration is a dental filling. Dental fillings are used to repair small areas of decay, and they can also be placed to enhance the aesthetics of your smile. While 韓国歯科 most dental fillings are made from a resin-based material, they still offer significant strength and durability. The lifespan of your dental filling depends on the material and your oral hygiene habits, but most last between 5 to 15 years.

Tooth Restoration Benefits

The benefits of direct restoration include improved mechanical strength, the ability to repair the remaining tooth structure, and decreased sensitivity. Additionally, the removal of tooth structure to prepare a cavity for a dental filling is minimal, which helps to preserve your natural teeth and reduces your risk of future dental problems.

Direct restorations can be used to repair a variety of damage or decay, from small cavities to cracked teeth and even missing teeth. However, it is important to note that the use of direct restorations may not be recommended for patients with root canal therapy due to the increased sensitivity caused by the presence of the canal orifice.

Another type of direct restorati 韓国歯科 on is a composite veneer. Similar to a dental crown, a composite veneer covers the damaged tooth’s surface to provide structural support and improve its appearance. This type of tooth restoration is typically used to repair front teeth that are discolored, chipped, or broken. It is important to note that the strength of a composite veneer is inferior to indirect restorations, such as inlays and onlays.

Indirect Restoration Benefits

Indirect restorations are generally used to restore larger areas of tooth damage or decay. The fabrication of indirect restorations requires a dental lab, which can take several visits to your dentist. However, with advances in technology, some indirect restorations can be completed within a single visit through the use of computer-aided design and 3D modeling.

Two common types of indirect restorations include dental bridges and inlays and onlays. While indirect restorations offer greater longevity and better esthetics than direct restorations, they can be more expensive.

Ultimately, the most important way to maintain healthy teeth is to practice good oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings. This can help detect dental problems early and prevent complications that might otherwise necessitate the need for dental restorations.