The Difference Between Preventive and Repair Maintenance

서울운전연수 Good maintenance practices help virtually all businesses. But a common misconception is that maintenance consists of repair and replacement activities after equipment breaks down.


The purpose of maintenance is to keep equipment in good working condition throughout its lifetime – the old adage “a stitch in time saves nine” applies here. A pro-active approach to maintenance lowers failure rates, increases reliability and decreases costs.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive maintenance involves regular inspections, servicing and repairs to reduce the risk of equipment failure. It can help businesses minimize unexpected downtime and repair costs, as well as extend the lifespan of assets. Developing a preventive maintenance schedule should start by identifying your most critical equipment and vehicles. This will allow you to create a checklist of necessary checks and services to be performed, as well as the best timeframe for each task. You can then split each task into mandatory and non-mandatory items. Mandatory tasks are those that need to be performed as soon as possible and will often include safety-critical checks. Non-mandatory tasks can be delayed without a significant impact on equipment performance.

A good preventive maintenance schedule will also include a process for documenting each task, as well as who is responsible for conducting them. This will allow you to ensure all relevant procedures and processes are followed, as well as record the results of each inspection.

It is recommended to develop your preventive maintenance program with a team of experienced technicians and machine operators who know your equipment best. Having your team involved in the development of the program will ensure they are engaged and motivated to implement it, and that all important tasks are being conducted on time. You can also use a software platform that is designed to support preventive maintenance programs, such as ToolSense. It will help you establish a preventive maintenance schedule, track and document all tasks and repairs, and automate inspections, cleaning and part lubrication for each asset.

Routine Maintenance서울운전연수

Performing maintenance on an asset before it fails is the most effective way to keep equipment running smoothly. It reduces costly downtime, repairs and unscheduled work. Regardless of the industry, assets experience wear and tear with daily use.

The best approach for determining which maintenance strategy is right for an asset depends on its cost, complexity and how it’s used. For example, a CNC machine with complex parts may require a corrective or predictive maintenance strategy. A facility manager should balance cost with the risk of unexpected failure and downtime to determine which maintenance strategy is best for each asset.

Routine maintenance includes tasks performed on a regular basis. It can be done on a time-based schedule (daily, weekly or monthly) or a usage-based one (cycles per hour or miles driven). For instance, property managers may create a checklist to track regular tasks like cleaning gutters, patching cracks in ceiling and walls, replacing filters and checking smoke detectors. Similarly, manufacturing technicians might lubricate and clean machinery on a scheduled basis, or perform conditioned monitoring exercises to ensure their equipment is running properly.

Creating a routine maintenance schedule can be difficult for busy teams, especially when other day-to-day job duties take priority. That’s why it’s important to find a system that works for everyone and stick to it. Checklists are a great tool to use because they provide consistency and hold team members accountable by physically checking off tasks when they are completed.

Predictive Maintenance

This type of maintenance identifies equipment failure before it occurs. It involves analyzing actual performance data to determine the likelihood of a machine’s imminent failure. This can help managers reduce downtime, improve productivity and cut costs.

A predictive maintenance program tracks each individual piece of machinery to spot the earliest signs of a potential problem. This approach avoids the surprise caused by sudden part failure and prevents costly downtime and loss of production.

To implement predictive maintenance, you’ll need to acquire the necessary resources, including labor, materials, facilities, technology and employee training. Then you’ll need to start monitoring the assets that are most critical. Once you have a comprehensive set of data, you can use it to build machine-learning algorithms that predict equipment failure before it happens.

This is done using a variety of nondestructive testing methods such as acoustic, corona detection, infrared, oil analysis and sound level measurements. Other tools include motor condition analysis, eddy current analysis and borescope inspections.

When the system detects that a piece of machinery is likely to fail, it will send an alert to the team. This early warning allows them to repair or replace the item before it fails completely and stops production. It also means that the replacement can be carried out at a time that suits the maintenance team and production schedule.


The work that goes into putting any asset or equipment back to its original state. Repairs can also include replacing parts or adding new components to it. The cost of repairs is considered an operating expense and is recorded in the period they occur. This is distinct from capital expenses used to purchase the asset.

The difference between maintenance and repairs is that maintenance happens before failures while repairs happen after a system or equipment has failed. This is why it’s important to put preventive and predictive maintenance strategies into place. They help you avoid costly downtime while cutting down on repairs.

But what about those times when something doesn’t go KABOOM? The scariest thing about failing assets is not the time they stop working – it’s when they continue to operate with significant flaws. For example, a pool heater that partially fails means it may heat the water to 75 degrees instead of the ideal 78 to 82 degrees. Similarly, a tin can machine that continues to produce flawed tin cans is stressful for your organization.

While preventing failures is the goal, you need to have an on-demand work process and tools in place to quickly respond to those times when things do break. That’s where a modern CMMS comes into play. It puts all of your data in one central database that’s safe, secure, and easy to access, while letting you run and track both preventive and on-demand maintenance.